What do group sessions offer?
As a self help group we aim to offer help and support in three ways

Children with ASD
We primarily provide assistance for children aged between 3 and 18 years. This is achieved using play workers that encourage greater interaction with other children, the family and any other person the child comes into contact with. Nearly all the children that attend the group have social interactive problems – those skills many of us take for granted. Being able to understand social behaviour does not come naturally or easily to our children and they have to be taught over and over again – the disability of not being socially adequate affects every aspect of their lives.

For parents we have a resource library to find out more information about their child’s diagnosis. Parents are often left lost after they’ve been given a diagnosis. Not really understanding their child or what to do next. We help bridge this gap by giving parents the space to talk to one another over a cup of tea and them being able to share their difficulties with other people who are in a similar situation and most importantly who understand.

We also have a play worker for the siblings. Siblings often unintentionally miss out on activities with family or friends due to their brother / sister requiring the majority of their parents time / support. We provide a variety of crafts and activities for them to take part in and enjoy whilst their brother or sister is within group.
What else can we offer?
We aim to invite one guest speaker a month to talk about any issues or concerns raised by parents
These have ranged from:
- Medical Conditions
- Therapies Available
- Statementing Issues
- Financial Entitlements
- Filling In Forms
We have little tangible support from the statutory agencies and rely on small grants and self funding
Funding is used to provide:
- Group Art Therapy
- Play Equipment
- Family Day Trips
- Social Events For Parents